What To Do After a Trip and Fall Accident

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Written By Larry

Larry is a skilled content writer with a passion for crafting compelling narratives and informative content. .

Liability laws bestow upon all public and private property owners a duty of care to people visiting their premises. A breach of this duty of care gives the affected visitor a right to seek restitution from the property owner. Trip and fall accidents may arise from the breach of duty, leading to severe injuries or fatalities. A trip and fall lawyer helps the victims of such accidents to get more compensation for their suffering.

Steps to Take After a Trip and Fall Accident

While you may have a right to seek restitution after the accident, you must take the correct steps. This will protect your rights and increase your chances of getting compensation. Here’s what to do in the aftermath of a trip and fall accident:

Consult a Lawyer

If you intend to seek compensation, contact an experienced trip and fall lawyer immediately after the accident. The lawyer will help you understand the merits of your case. They will investigate the accident and take steps to preserve valuable evidence held by the negligent party. The attorney will also use their experience to determine the liable party and the amount of compensation to seek. They will also handle all the correspondence with the opposing party’s legal team and insurance company. In the event of a trip and fall accident lawsuit, the attorney will also represent you in court. This will give you time to focus on healing from the injuries and avoid potential legal mistakes during settlement negotiations.

Seek Immediate Medical Care

Trip and fall accidents often cause severe injuries, such as head injuries or broken bones. You must promptly seek medical attention for accurate examination and early treatment to avoid life-threatening consequences. They will facilitate early injury recovery and help establish your credibility. The medical exam findings will be used as evidence of your health conditions resulting from the accident. A lawyer helps during this time as they take care of the other details while you get the necessary medical care.

Document the Scene

Before leaving the scene, record all the details of the accident, including the cause of the fall, location, and injuries. You’ll want to take pictures or videos to capture the locations and the conditions present when the accident occurred. These pictures and videos are credible evidence to prove liability in the case you file. You can also request the owner or property for security footage of the incident. It can provide valuable evidence to prove the liability of the negligent party.

Report the Incident

File an accident report with the owner of the premises or property manager immediately after the accident. This allows them to review and preserve any surveillance video of the incident. The accident report will also eliminate potential denial and dispute about the occurrence of the accident. You can also file a police complaint. If emergency personnel respond to the incident, make sure you get a copy of their accident report.

Collect Witness Information

Gather the contact information of people who witnessed the accidents. This can include their names, email addresses, and phone numbers. Any videos or photos they capture can also be collected. This will help capture fresh witness accounts before they can forget some details of the incident. These witnesses will confirm the details of what exactly happened during the incident.

Avoid Making Statements

Refrain from making statements about the accident or property owner. This is because such statements can be used against you in court. Avoid accepting or assigning blame and allow thorough investigation to establish the cause of the accident. If you intend to file a case regarding the incident, avoid discussing it on social media. Any pictures or comments you make can be distorted and used to the detriment of your case. You should also avoid discussing the incident or the case with the opposing party.

Speak with a Trip and Fall Lawyer Today

Trip and fall accident attorneys are experienced in holding negligent parties accountable for the breach of duty of care. These professionals can also help you understand your rights and options to seek redress after an accident. Contact a trip and fall lawyer today and learn more about the steps you can take after an accident.

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